How Technology Can Solve Your Hiring Problems

Struggling to recruit and retain the talent you need? Incorporating the right technology solutions will help improve the quality of your workplace. 

How Technology Can Solve Your Hiring Problems

Struggling to recruit and retain the talent you need? Incorporating the right technology solutions will help improve the quality of your workplace.

Key points in this article:

  • Hiring has never been more difficult
  • Staff members expect an optimized work experience
  • Technology can improve the way your staff members feel about their work

Can’t Hire The Talent You Need?

If you’re having trouble hiring the staff members you need, you’re not alone. Businesses across the country have been struggling to fill open positions for months.

The good news is that there’s a potential solution available to you: has your business fully harnessed the capabilities of modern technology?

It has a lot to offer, and not just in terms of your bottom line, or the client experience. Properly implemented technology solutions can do a lot to eliminate tedious work and add convenience to your staff members’ day-to-day work lives.

This is all a part of what is known as “digital transformation”…

Is Your Business Keeping Up With Modern Technology?

Consider how digital transformation initiatives are changing the workplace:

  • 80% of the workforce operates at least in part from outside the office.
  • A vast majority (up to 80%) of IT budgets are directed towards “business as usual”.

The fact is that, whether you embrace technology or not, the people you interact with (your customers and employees) will expect you to. If you don’t, they’ll work with someone else who does.

Don’t believe it?

  • 75% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from you if you know their name, and purchase history and can recommend products/services based on that info.
  • 38% of millennial staff members state that outdated collaboration tools have a negative effect on innovation.

That’s why you need to make an effort to understand how technology can affect positive change in the work that you do. From staff experience to workflow optimization, technology is playing a big role in the way businesses operate.

How Technology Is Transforming The Modern Workplace

No matter where you are in terms of harnessing technology, it’s important to understand where it began and where it has led to…

Conventional IT

  • Employees use a single, business-owned device
  • Corporate network & legacy applications
  • Manual workflow processes
  • Reactive support

Then you compare that with the most digitally transformed businesses today…

Modern IT

  • Employees use multiple devices, a combination and self- and business-owned
  • Data is hosted and deployed from the cloud, and via SaaS applications
  • Processes are automated
  • Support is proactive

If you think that you have more in common with Conventional IT than Modern IT, how can you bridge the gap?

5 Ways That Technology Will Benefit Your Business

Automate Tedious & Repetitive Work

Automation is a rapidly growing application of technology in the business world.

Automation with machine learning plays an enormous role in optimizing workflows and predicting problems before they occur. With workflows based in the cloud, you can automate or semi-automate many processes:

  • Workflows and consistently repeated work
  • Use analytics to predict problems before they arise.
  • Automate and monitor work and maintenance schedules.

Encourage Mobility

You can implement Mobile Device Management and Bring Your Own Device policies that allow employees to use their own devices in combination with the business’—be sure to equally prioritize the convenience of access with security.

And don’t limit yourself to desktops, laptops, and phones—there’s more out there for you to take advantage of. Have you considered what the Internet of Things and wearable devices can do for workplace efficiency? Now’s the time to get on board—40 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices online by 2027.

Harness The Cloud

Increase collaboration and simplify management by hosting your data and applications through the cloud—again, prioritizing security in line with the access given to staff members.

It shouldn’t have to be said at this point, but just in case you’re still in the past—get rid of your on-site hardware.

Before the cloud, onsite servers were a must for any business that wanted to succeed, but no longer. Today, you don’t need to purchase, install and maintain onsite servers- with the cloud, you outsource it all to a data center instead.

By choosing a cloud solution instead of conventional infrastructure, you will enjoy all the benefits of an up-to-date and optimized IT infrastructure, without having to pay more than your monthly service fee.

This is so basic in today’s modern business world that to continue purchasing and maintaining costly onsite hardware is essentially fiscal negligence.

Boost Employee & Client Satisfaction

Technology has the potential to greatly improve the daily experience for both your staff members and your clients. The more seamlessly technology is integrated into your business processes, the more convenient the user experience becomes.

Employees can spend less time on tedious work like data entry, email management, and other boring work and focus their energy on more engaging initiatives. Likewise, clients can interact with your business in the way they prefer, making use of online tools, mobile apps, and paperless communication.

Hire Remote Workers

Businesses are hiring more and more remote workers—in fact, it’s the way half the country worked every day even before the pandemic. So many staff members work from home outside of the business’ city of operation, and even much further away.

It’s no wonder why—the convenience of being able to take your work wherever you like is a

fantastic benefit of current technology. However, doing so requires the right technology. Remote workers need to be able to do their work, and easily. Any obstacles will prevent them from staying productive.

If they’re fighting against unintuitive software, a bad connection, or anything else tech-related, their standard workday won’t be all that productive. It won’t be long before your firm’s productivity grinds to a halt.

That’s why, so long as the remote worker has a strong Internet connection, the rest of the work is on the IT support team to deliver a responsive and user-friendly cloud platform with which the worker can access their business data.

Don’t Overlook This Key Challenge That Comes With New Technology…

As great as all these benefits are, it’s important to understand that as you expand your IT environment and harness new capabilities, you need to be ready to integrate it all seamlessly with your business.

More than anything else, that means ensuring your staff members can make use of these new IT assets. Both your current and any new staff members need to be trained in how to use these systems and properly onboarded as well.

Allow us to help.

Envizion IT Will Help You Harness New Technology

IT planning doesn’t have to be a frustrating process.

Our team will develop a strategic plan specifically for your company to make sure you’re investing in the right solutions to truly help you meet your overall objectives and exceed your goals, in order to reach new heights within your business.

Keep in mind, IT strategy isn’t a one-time thing. We can work alongside your team to provide ongoing guidance, support, and services.

Get in touch with the Envizion IT team to get started.

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